its the Johnny Boy Drop...

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Las Vegas, Baby
A big guy with big dreams and a big appetite...for LIFE & food :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

my bad

okay so i know that i was a little aggresive on my last entry, but when you have no one to turn to and all you wanna do is find comfort in someone, it takes a toll on you. I set myself on fire and I watched myself burn down. I had to let my feelings out so that it wouldnt run around in my head anymore. I must say that it helped a lot, to vent crazy like that.
I know im foolish to say that I had no one to turn to, because I have a lot of friends who care about me and I have so much family that will always be there. I just dont wanna come as an obligation to them. Like they only have to listen because they care about me. So I try to just fix my problems on my own. Im also foolish because I know that the Lord is always there to listen to me when Im down. But I wanted to swear. I know, bad on me. I wanted to swear and get everything bad out before I turned to him.
I just wanna make it clear that I do apologize for my last post. I just wanna let you know (whoever reads my blogs) that I hardly get crazy like that, its just frustration built up to its capacity and it all erupted at once. Thanks for listening, or reading I guess, til next time fatties.

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