its the Johnny Boy Drop...

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Las Vegas, Baby
A big guy with big dreams and a big appetite...for LIFE & food :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Just Cant Help it

Have you ever watched a movie or t.v show and at then end of the clip,
your inner desire is to be part of the film or show? I have, and it happens

all the time. For instance, I just seen the film, "The Karate Kid" and during

the entire sitting for the film all I could think about was being a little black

kid with cornrows who lives in China that learns Kung-Fu!! I kept doing

the moves in my head and mimicing the lines. I wanted to go all out in the

theatre but my friend I was with probably wouldve left my ass there and bounced. But I

couldnt help it. It happens to pretty much every film or show that I find interesting.
And when I watch a scary movie where theres a serial killer, I always act so dramatic like hes
after me. Ill turn a corner very slowly and and fall stupidly when Im running, only to stand up
and see everyone looking at me awkwardly and laughing, I just cant help it.

Keeping up with the Kardashians is a show that every

time I watch it, in my head my name is "JOHNNY

KARDASHIAN" hahaha I imagine myself shopping and

drinking and being on photoshoots and swearing at my

mom. Theyre a funny family, but in reality I wouldnt want

to be part of their family. I wouldnt change mine for the

universe. I believe that if a camera crew followed my

family and I around all day, that our show would be a big

success. We have drama and undeniable laughs that

always keeps everyone wanting more. I have no idea why my mind thinks the way it does,

but if it didnt, then I probably would be the most boring person ever. So be glad Im the way I

am ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... cousin.. I think that's what they try to do... make you want that life! :) I've done this on plenty occasions... as far as the Kardashians.. I think we're cousins! LMBO! Love you.. love your thoughts.. love your writing style.. you friggen ROCK! miss you heaps! :) Keep on blogging :)
