its the Johnny Boy Drop...

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Las Vegas, Baby
A big guy with big dreams and a big appetite...for LIFE & food :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Breathe Easily & Live Heavily

"Life will test your capacity to adapt before advancing you.. so, if you’re doing all you can, and the road still gets rough, you’re going the right way. Push."
-Gabe Bondoc
The image above couldnt be more accurate. I strive, like most people, for the better and expect the worst and hope for the best.
It may seem that the life I live is inevitably going to crash,
but I like to push denial to its max. Its not a bad thing I pressume, being that I am exuberant with every fragment of my life, so its not wrong for "being optimistic" to play a big role in my so called Film-of-Life....
So I live joyously and beautifully and with an open mind. So that I have the understanding and patience to fully make sense of my imperfect life.
So just to sum up my immeasurable thoughts......
Im not prefect, but I sure am happy.
Until next time fatties :)

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