“you give me a feeling that I never felt before and I deserve it, I think I deserve it. It’s becoming something that’s impossible to ignore and I can’t take it…”
Sometimes I think quoting a love song is ridiculous but then sometimes theres no other way to express your feelings.
I use to believe that being in love is like fools gold, when u find it youve completely fallen for its beauty and worth but when it unfolds, its nothing but a souvenir. Im proud to say that I no longer hold that belief. Im in a type of ‘love’ that mostly no one understands and I could care less if no one agrees with it. It is my life right? I know Im probably gonna get a lot of SHIT about this but its nothing I cant handle.
have u ever fallen in LOVE with your best friend?
I have. Im glad I did. So what if my best friend is a guy, love is love right? I dont know how I kept it up, lying to myself for 20 years. I am who I am, PERIOD. but do YOU know who I am? Im a man that is with another man. I hate to use the phrase “gay” but what else describes it. I dont think that I am “gay” but to the world thats what I am. I still find females attractive and I dont look at guys that way, only the one Im with. STRANGE, isnt it? Well thats who I am.
Someone told me once, that Heavenly Father created ‘Adam & Eve’ not ‘Adam & Steve’…
Regrettably, I didnt respond. They were right. I know Im livin in sin but is being happy and being yourself a SIN? I honestly believe that Heavenly Father wants me to be HAPPY and to be MYSELF and right now, IM HAPPY. Wheres the happiness if I hid myself away from the world, my TRUE self? There is none if I did. So therefor Im doing what I need to do to be happy.
just another random thought that continues endlessly, a thought about my love & my life…
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