its the Johnny Boy Drop...

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Las Vegas, Baby
A big guy with big dreams and a big appetite...for LIFE & food :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

be strong, carry on...

Todays thought was inspired sadly by the postings of my family members. My Aunt is in the hospital as I type. Im worried about her, but having faith that she' ll be fine and have a speedy and healthy recovery. Love you Aunty Pola.

The random thought that triggered my urge to blog was about growing older and losing the ones you love (not that I think we're going to lose my Aunt). Just that its a thought that Im sure pretty much everyone thinks of at least once.
I try not to think about it at all because just the idea of losing anyone I hold dear to my heart makes me travel in deep depression and sadness. So I always try and be optimistic and not take in that one day Im gonna lose someone, everyone.
I dont know what Im going to do when its time for my parents to return to our Heavenly Father. I know its inevitable but Ill be lost without them. Same goes to every single person in my family.
I want to be gone before anyone passes so that I wont have to deal with the deniability that someone has passed. I know its pathetic and cowardly but I wont have the strength to say "goodbye for now."
But I know, that one day, we will all return back to our Heavenly Father. One by one. And I'll see everyone again. Its that faith that I have and hold to that'll get me by and carry on with life.
So for now, Live, Love, Learn and have faith.
until next time fatties.

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