its the Johnny Boy Drop...

My photo
Las Vegas, Baby
A big guy with big dreams and a big appetite...for LIFE & food :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

internet junkie

I cant be just on one blog site. I gotta have 2!
(not to mention I also have a Twitter, Facebook AND a Youtube)
I have no idea why, maybe to fill the void in my life, where "friends" should be. haha
I mean, who said you have to go outside to have fun?!?!?! shoot. sigh.
I started my first blog on Tumblr because all the cool kids were on there.
But I experienced Blogger and I absolutely adored it!
(and there were even more cooler kids)
Now what to do with 2 blogs?
Do I post the same entries on both? It started out that way. But its hard work.
So I came to the conclusion that Ill try and post the same
entries, but if that doesnt work out then
one blog will get one entry and the other a different one.
Just be lucky Im even trying to attempt to blog at all!
with the WILD life i live. HA!
So thanks for wasting your time to read this pointless but honest blog,
whoever you are...
til next time skinnies :)

Day 14: Someone you’ve drifted away from

The person I drifted away from is myself.

The past 2 and a half years I thought I was in control of my soul.

i was lying to myself.

I lost my inner everything. Thats why its so hard to find myself again and get

back on that track of self-enlightenment.

"to smile without reason" is a cry away.

Nothing compares to the love i showed myself before.

i was beautiful in my eyes.
"Conceited" is a term used only by those of UGLY.

I know youre out there Johnny, Im going to find you.

whether it be now or later, I WILL find you.
And when I do, its so ON! :)

-note to self, HURRY.