So closely to end the sickness of despair, for once a thought of troubles melting like lemon drops, is no more than a meer nightmare. Make sense to this unfathomable dungeon where my dragon is chained down. Such chaos, I swear, though I shouldnt but I do. Just this question, why? Why become so "loose off that goose" if you cant bare with the rising sun? Haunt me so gently, but roughly. So that I can learn and live joyously. Make sense? It should. Once said, "I thought love would be my cure, but now its my disease"..Switch love to life and make it sing like an unforgettable projecting choir of harmonies galore. Should I explore? Yes. Yes. Yes. Bending at the knees and folding up your E's, letting him in to deliver the guidance to the sickening of my distraught soul. Pleasurable it may seem but undeniable it will be. Make sense? Good...